Plugins > vCenter Server 6.0.2 > VcStorageResourceManager > configureStorageDrsForPod_Task

Method configureStorageDrsForPod_Task(VcStoragePod pod, VcStorageDrsConfigSpec spec, boolean modify)

Change the storage DRS configuration for a pod VcStoragePod.




Name Type Description
pod VcStoragePod The storage pod.
spec VcStorageDrsConfigSpec A set of storage Drs configuration changes to apply to the storage pod. The specification can be a complete set of changes or a partial set of changes, applied incrementally.
modify boolean Flag to specify whether the specification ("spec") should be applied incrementally. If "modify" is false and the operation succeeds, then the configuration of the storage pod matches the specification exactly; in this case any unset portions of the specification will result in unset or default portions of the configuration. <p>