
Class VcSdkConnection

Extends java.lang.Object
This object represents a connection to a vCenter host. VcHostSystem represents an ESX host.


Name Type Description
about VcAboutInfo Information about the service, such as the software version.
aboutInfo VcAboutInfo Information about the service, such as the software version. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">about</a></i>
accountManager VcHostLocalAccountManager A singleton managed object that manages host local user and group accounts.
alarmManager VcAlarmManager A singleton managed object that manages alarms.
allClusterComputeResources VcClusterComputeResource[] Returns all ClusterComputeResources. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">getAllClusterComputeResources(additionalPropertyFilters)</a></i>
allComputeResources VcComputeResource[] Returns all ComputeResources. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">getAllComputeResources(additionalPropertyFilters)</a></i>
allDatacenterFolders VcFolder[] Returns all DatacenterFolders. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">getAllDatacenterFolders(additionalPropertyFilters)</a></i>
allDatacenters VcDatacenter[] Returns all Datacenters. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">getAllDatacenters(additionalPropertyFilters)</a></i>
allDatastoreFolders VcFolder[] Returns all DatastoreFolders. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">getAllDatastoreFolders(additionalPropertyFilters)</a></i>
allDatastores VcDatastore[] Returns all Datastores. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">getAllDatastores(additionalPropertyFilters)</a></i>
allDistributedVirtualPortgroups VcDistributedVirtualPortgroup[] Returns all DistributedVirtualPortgroups. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">getAllDistributedVirtualPortgroups(additionalPropertyFilters)</a></i>
allHostfolders VcFolder[] Returns all HostFolders. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">getAllHosts(additionalPropertyFilters)</a></i>
allHostSystems VcHostSystem[] Returns all DatacenterFolders. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">getAllHostSystems(additionalPropertyFilters)</a></i>
allNetworkFolders VcFolder[] Returns all NetworkFolders. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">getAllNetworkFolders(additionalPropertyFilters)</a></i>
allNetworks VcNetwork[] Returns all Networks. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">getAllNetworks(additionalPropertyFilters)</a></i>
allResourcePools VcResourcePool[] Returns all ResourcePools. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">getAllResourcePools(additionalPropertyFilters)</a></i>
allTasks VcTask[] Returns all Tasks. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">getAllTasks(additionalPropertyFilters)</a></i>
allVirtualApps VcVirtualApp[] Returns all VirtualApps. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">getAllVirtualApps(additionalPropertyFilters)</a></i>
allVirtualMachines VcVirtualMachine[] Returns all VirtualMachines. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">getAllVirtualMachines(additionalPropertyFilters)</a></i>
allVirtualMachineSnapshots VcVirtualMachineSnapshot[] Returns all VirtualMachineSnapshots. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">getAllVirtualMachineSnapshots(additionalPropertyFilters)</a></i>
allVmFolders VcFolder[] Returns all VmFolders. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">getAllVmFolders(additionalPropertyFilters)</a></i>
authorizationManager VcAuthorizationManager Manages permissions for managed entities in the service.
clusterProfileManager VcClusterProfileManager A singleton managed object that manages the cluster profiles.
complianceManager VcProfileComplianceManager A singleton managed object that manages compliance aspects of entities.
customFieldsManager VcCustomFieldsManager A singleton managed object that managed custom fields.
customizationSpecManager VcCustomizationSpecManager A singleton managed object that manages saved guest customization specifications.
diagnosticManager VcDiagnosticManager A singleton managed object that provides access to low-level log files.
displayName String
dvSwitchManager VcDistributedVirtualSwitchManager A singleton managed object that provides relevant information of DistributedVirtualSwitch.
eventManager VcEventManager A singleton managed object that manages events.
extensionManager VcExtensionManager A singleton managed object that manages extensions.
fileManager VcFileManager A singleton managed object that allows management of files present on datastores.
getCertificateManager VcCertificateManager
getDatastoreNamespaceManager VcDatastoreNamespaceManager
getHookManager VcHookManager
getIoFilterManager VcIoFilterManager
getOverheadMemoryManager VcOverheadMemoryManager
getServiceManager VcServiceManager
getVirtualizationManager VcVirtualizationManager
guestOperationsManager VcGuestOperationsManager A singleton managed object that provides methods for guest operations.
hostLocalAccountManager VcHostLocalAccountManager A singleton managed object that manages host local user and group accounts.</br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">accountManager</a></i>
hostProfileManager VcHostProfileManager A singleton managed object that manages the host profiles.
instanceUuid String
ipPoolManager VcIpPoolManager A singleton managed object that supports management of IpPool objects. IP pools are used when allocating IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to vApps.
licenseManager VcLicenseManager A singleton managed object that manages licensing
localizationManager VcLocalizationManager A singleton managed object that provides methods for retrieving message catalogs for client-side localization support.
name String
optionManager VcOptionManager Generic configuration for a management server. This is for example by VirtualCenter to store the VirtualCenter Settings. This is not used for a stand-alone host, instead the is used.</br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">setting</a></i>
ovfManager VcOvfManager A singleton managed object that can generate OVF descriptors (export) and create VMs and VServices based on OVF descriptors (import).
perfManager VcPerformanceManager A singleton managed object that manages the collection and reporting of performance statistics.
performanceManager VcPerformanceManager A singleton managed object that manages the collection and reporting of performance statistics. </br><i>As of vSphere API 4.0, use <a target="_blank" href="">perfManager</a></i>
propertyCollector VcPropertyCollector Reference to a per-session object for retrieving properties and updates.
rootFolder VcFolder Reference to the top of the inventory managed by this service.
scheduledTaskManager VcScheduledTaskManager A singleton managed object that manages scheduled tasks.
searchIndex VcSearchIndex A singleton managed object that allows search of the inventory.
serviceInstance VcServiceInstance The ServiceInstance managed object is the singleton root object of the inventory on both vCenter servers and servers running on standalone host agents.
sessionManager VcSessionManager Managed object for logging in and managing sessions.
setting VcOptionManager Generic configuration for a management server. This is for example by VirtualCenter to store the VirtualCenter Settings. This is not used for a stand-alone host, instead the is used.
snmpSystem VcHostSnmpSystem A singleton managed object that allows SNMP configuration. Not set if not supported on a particular platform.
storageResourceManager VcStorageResourceManager A singleton managed object that provides methods for storage resource management.
taskManager VcTaskManager A singleton managed object that manages tasks.
userDirectory VcUserDirectory A user directory managed object.
viewManager VcViewManager A singleton managed object for tracking custom sets of objects.
virtualDiskManager VcVirtualDiskManager A singleton managed object that allows management of virtual disks on datastores.
virtualizationManger VcVirtualizationManager A singleton managed object that manages the discovery, analysis, recommendation and virtualization of physical machines.
vmCompatibilityChecker VcVirtualMachineCompatibilityChecker A singleton managed object that can answer questions about compatibility of a virtual machine with a host.
vmProvisioningChecker VcVirtualMachineProvisioningChecker A singleton managed object that can answer questions about the feasibility of certain provisioning operations.


Name Returns
executeQuery(String xQuery) String
getAllClusterComputeResources(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcClusterComputeResource[]
getAllComputeResources(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcComputeResource[]
getAllDatacenterFolders(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcFolder[]
getAllDatacenters(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcDatacenter[]
getAllDatastoreFolders(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcFolder[]
getAllDatastores(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcDatastore[]
getAllDistributedVirtualPortgroups(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcDistributedVirtualPortgroup[]
getAllHostFolders(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcFolder[]
getAllHostSystems(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcHostSystem[]
getAllManagedObjects(String sdkType, String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcManagedObject[]
getAllNetworkFolders(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcFolder[]
getAllNetworks(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcNetwork[]
getAllResourcePools(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcResourcePool[]
getAllTasks(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcTask[]
getAllVirtualApps(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcVirtualApp[]
getAllVirtualMachines(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcVirtualMachine[]
getAllVirtualMachineSnapshots(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcVirtualMachineSnapshot[]
getAllVmFolders(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcFolder[]
isInventoryServiceAvailable() String

Returned by

Method Returns
com.vmware.vmo.plugin.vi4.model.IVimObjectFactory.getVimHost() VcSdkConnection
com.vmware.vmo.plugin.vi4.model.VimManagedObject.getVimHost() VcSdkConnection
VcPlugin.findSdkConnectionForUUID(String uuid) VcSdkConnection
VcPlugin.registerHost(boolean , String , Number , String , boolean , String , String , String ) VcSdkConnection
VcPlugin.registerVCenterServerInstance(boolean enabled, String hostName, Number port, String path, boolean sessionPerUser, String userName, String password, String domain) VcSdkConnection

Referenced in

Method Returns
VcPlugin.currentTime(VcSdkConnection host) Date
VcPlugin.registerExtension(VcSdkConnection , String ) void
VcPlugin.registerExtensionForAddress(VcSdkConnection host, String address) VcExtension
VcPlugin.unregisterExtension(VcSdkConnection host, String key) void