
Class VcManagedEntityStatus

Extends java.lang.Object
The Status enumeration defines a general "health" value for a managed entity.


Name Type Description
_gray String The status is unknown.
_green String The entity is OK.
_red String The entity definitely has a problem.
_yellow String The entity might have a problem.
gray VcManagedEntityStatus The status is unknown.
green VcManagedEntityStatus The entity is OK.
id String returns the vSphere enumeration value
name String returns the vSphere enumeration value
red VcManagedEntityStatus The entity definitely has a problem.
value String returns the vSphere enumeration value
yellow VcManagedEntityStatus The entity might have a problem.


Name Returns
fromString(String value) VcManagedEntityStatus

Returned by

Method Returns
com.vmware.vmo.plugin.vi4.model.VimManagedEntity.getConfigStatus() VcManagedEntityStatus
com.vmware.vmo.plugin.vi4.model.VimManagedEntity.getOverallStatus() VcManagedEntityStatus
VcManagedEntityStatus.fromString(String value) VcManagedEntityStatus

Referenced in
