
Class VcFolder

Extends VcFolder
The VcFolder managed object is a container for storing and organizing inventory objects. Folders can contain folders and other objects. The VcFolder property identifies a folder's type and determines the types of folders and objects the folder can contain. See VcServiceInstance for a representation of the organization of the inventory.

The VcFolder managed object also acts as a factory object, meaning it creates new entities in a folder. The object provides methods to create child folders and objects, methods to add existing objects to folders, and methods to remove objects from folders and to delete folders.

VcManagedEntity method. VcManagedEntity is a recursive operation that removes all child objects and folders. When you call VcManagedEntity to destroy a folder, the system uses the specified folder as a root and traverses its descendant hierarchy, calling VcManagedEntity on each object. VcManagedEntity is a single operation that treats each recursive call as a single transaction, committing each call to remove an object individually. If VcManagedEntity fails on an object, the method terminates at that point with an exception, leaving some or all of the objects still in the inventory.

Notes on the folder destroy method:

  • Calling VcManagedEntity on a virtual machine folder recursively calls VcManagedEntity on all the child virtual machines and vApps, which are then removed from disk. Use VcFolder to unregister virtual machines or vApps recursively without removing them from the disk.
  • For virtual machine folders, the VcManagedEntity method requires the VirtualMachine.Delete privilege on the folder as well as all virtual machines to be destroyed. It also requires the VirtualApp.Delete privilege on all VirtualApp objects to be destroyed.
  • Destroying a host folder or datacenter folder unregisters all child hosts and virtual machines from vCenter. The hosts are simply removed from the inventory, along with their virtual machines. The virtual machines are not removed from disk nor are their runtime states changed.
  • You can remove network and datastore folders only if they are empty.
  • You cannot destroy, rename, or move the virtual machine, compute resource, network entity, and datastore child folders of a Datacenter.


Name Type Description
alarmActionsEnabled boolean Whether alarm actions are enabled for this entity. True if enabled; false otherwise.
availableField VcCustomFieldDef[] List of custom field definitions that are valid for the object's type. The fields are sorted by <a target="_blank" href="">VcCustomFieldDef</a>.
childEntity VcManagedEntity[] An array of managed object references. Each entry is a reference to a child entity.
childType String[] Specifies the object types a folder may contain. When you create a folder, it inherits its childType from the parent folder in which it is created. childType is an array of strings. Each array entry identifies a set of object types - Folder and one or more managed object types. The following list shows childType values for the different folders: <ul> <li> { "vim.Folder", "vim.Datacenter" } - Identifies the root folder and its descendant folders. Data center folders can contain child data center folders and Datacenter managed objects. Datacenter objects contain virtual machine, compute resource, network entity, and datastore folders.</li> <li> { "vim.Folder", "vim.Virtualmachine", "vim.VirtualApp" } - Identifies a virtual machine folder. A virtual machine folder may contain child virtual machine folders. It also can contain VirtualMachine managed objects, templates, and VirtualApp managed objects.</li> <li> { "vim.Folder", "vim.ComputeResource" } - Identifies a compute resource folder, which contains child compute resource folders and ComputeResource hierarchies.</li> <li> { "vim.Folder", "vim.Network" } - Identifies a network entity folder. Network entity folders on a vCenter Server can contain Network, DistributedVirtualSwitch, and DistributedVirtualPortgroup managed objects. Network entity folders on an ESXi host can contain only Network objects.</li> <li> { "vim.Folder", "vim.Datastore" } - Identifies a datastore folder. Datastore folders can contain child datastore folders and Datastore managed objects.</li> </ul>
clusterComputeResource ClusterComputeResource[] Filtered attribute 'computeResource' with only ClusterComputeResource objects (depracated)
computeResource ComputeResource[] Filtered attribute 'computeResource' with only ComputeResource objects (depracated)
computeResource_ClusterComputeResource ClusterComputeResource[] Filtered attribute 'computeResource' with only ClusterComputeResource objects
computeResource_ComputeResource ComputeResource[] Filtered attribute 'computeResource' with only ComputeResource objects
configIssue VcEvent[] Current configuration issues that have been detected for this entity. Typically, these issues have already been logged as events. The entity stores these events as long as they are still current. The <a target="_blank" href="">VcManagedEntity</a> property provides an overall status based on these events.
configStatus VcManagedEntityStatus The configStatus indicates whether or not the system has detected a configuration issue involving this entity. For example, it might have detected a duplicate IP address or MAC address, or a host in a cluster might be out of compliance. The meanings of the configStatus values are: <ul> <li>red: A problem has been detected involving the entity. <li>yellow: A problem is about to occur or a transient condition has occurred (For example, reconfigure fail-over policy). <li>green: No configuration issues have been detected. <li>gray: The configuration status of the entity is not being monitored. </ul> A green status indicates only that a problem has not been detected; it is not a guarantee that the entity is problem-free. <p> The <a target="_blank" href="">VcManagedEntity</a> property contains a list of the problems that have been detected. In releases after vSphere API 5.0, vSphere Servers might not generate property collector update notifications for this property. To obtain the latest value of the property, you can use PropertyCollector methods RetrievePropertiesEx or WaitForUpdatesEx. If you use the PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdatesEx method, specify an empty string for the version parameter. Any other version value will not produce any property values as no updates are generated.
customValue VcCustomFieldValue[] Custom field values.
declaredAlarmState VcAlarmState[] A set of alarm states for alarms that apply to this managed entity. The set includes alarms defined on this entity and alarms inherited from the parent entity, or from any ancestors in the inventory hierarchy. <p> Alarms are inherited if they can be triggered by this entity or its descendants. This set does not include alarms that are defined on descendants of this entity.
disabledMethod String[] List of operations that are disabled, given the current runtime state of the entity. For example, a power-on operation always fails if a virtual machine is already powered on. This list can be used by clients to enable or disable operations in a graphical user interface. <p> Note: This list is determined by the current runtime state of an entity, not by its permissions. <p> This list may include the following operations for a HostSystem: <ul> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcHostSystem</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcHostSystem</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcHostSystem</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcHostSystem</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcHostSystem</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcHostSystem</a> </ul> <p> This list may include the following operations for a VirtualMachine: <ul> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcManagedEntity</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcManagedEntity</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> </ul> <p> This list may include the following operations for a ResourcePool: <ul> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcResourcePool</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcResourcePool</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcResourcePool</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcFolder</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcManagedEntity</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcManagedEntity</a> </ul> This list may include the following operations for a VirtualApp: <ul> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcManagedEntity</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualApp</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualApp</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualApp</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualApp</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualApp</a> <li><a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualApp</a> </ul> <p> In releases after vSphere API 5.0, vSphere Servers might not generate property collector update notifications for this property. To obtain the latest value of the property, you can use PropertyCollector methods RetrievePropertiesEx or WaitForUpdatesEx. If you use the PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdatesEx method, specify an empty string for the version parameter. Any other version value will not produce any property values as no updates are generated.
distributedVirtualSwitch_DistributedVirtualSwitch DistributedVirtualSwitch[] Filtered attribute 'distributedVirtualSwitch' with only DistributedVirtualSwitch objects
distributedVirtualSwitch_VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch[] Filtered attribute 'distributedVirtualSwitch' with only VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch objects
effectiveRole Number[] Access rights the current session has to this entity.
id String returns the id of this ManagedObject
name String Name of this entity, unique relative to its parent. <p> Any / (slash), \ (backslash), character used in this name element will be escaped. Similarly, any % (percent) character used in this name element will be escaped, unless it is used to start an escape sequence. A slash is escaped as %2F or %2f. A backslash is escaped as %5C or %5c, and a percent is escaped as %25.
network_DistributedVirtualPortgroup DistributedVirtualPortgroup[] Filtered attribute 'network' with only DistributedVirtualPortgroup objects
network_Network Network[] Filtered attribute 'network' with only Network objects
overallStatus VcManagedEntityStatus General health of this managed entity. The overall status of the managed entity is computed as the worst status among its alarms and the configuration issues detected on the entity. The status is reported as one of the following values: <ul> <li>red: The entity has alarms or configuration issues with a red status. <li>yellow: The entity does not have alarms or configuration issues with a red status, and has at least one with a yellow status. <li>green: The entity does not have alarms or configuration issues with a red or yellow status, and has at least one with a green status. <li>gray: All of the entity's alarms have a gray status and the configuration status of the entity is not being monitored. </ul> In releases after vSphere API 5.0, vSphere Servers might not generate property collector update notifications for this property. To obtain the latest value of the property, you can use PropertyCollector methods RetrievePropertiesEx or WaitForUpdatesEx. If you use the PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdatesEx method, specify an empty string for the version parameter. Any other version value will not produce any property values as no updates are generated.
parent VcManagedEntity Parent of this entity. <p> This value is null for the root object and for <a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualMachine</a> objects that are part of a <a target="_blank" href="">VcVirtualApp</a>.
permission VcPermission[] List of permissions defined for this entity.
recentTask VcTask[] The set of recent tasks operating on this managed entity. This is a subset of <a target="_blank" href="">VcTaskManager</a> belong to this entity. A task in this list could be in one of the four states: pending, running, success or error. <p> This property can be used to deduce intermediate power states for a virtual machine entity. For example, if the current powerState is "poweredOn" and there is a running task performing the "suspend" operation, then the virtual machine's intermediate state might be described as "suspending." <p> Most tasks (such as power operations) obtain exclusive access to the virtual machine, so it is unusual for this list to contain more than one running task. One exception, however, is the task of cloning a virtual machine. In releases after vSphere API 5.0, vSphere Servers might not generate property collector update notifications for this property. To obtain the latest value of the property, you can use PropertyCollector methods RetrievePropertiesEx or WaitForUpdatesEx. If you use the PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdatesEx method, specify an empty string for the version parameter. Any other version value will not produce any property values as no updates are generated.
reference VcManagedObjectReference returns the ManagedObjectReference of this ManagedObject
resourcePool_VirtualApp VirtualApp[] Filtered attribute 'resourcePool' with only VirtualApp objects
sdkConnection VcSdkConnection returns the parent SdkConnection
tag VcTag[] The set of tags associated with this managed entity. Experimental. Subject to change.
triggeredAlarmState VcAlarmState[] A set of alarm states for alarms triggered by this entity or by its descendants. <p> Triggered alarms are propagated up the inventory hierarchy so that a user can readily tell when a descendant has triggered an alarm. In releases after vSphere API 5.0, vSphere Servers might not generate property collector update notifications for this property. To obtain the latest value of the property, you can use PropertyCollector methods RetrievePropertiesEx or WaitForUpdatesEx. If you use the PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdatesEx method, specify an empty string for the version parameter. Any other version value will not produce any property values as no updates are generated.
value VcCustomFieldValue[] List of custom field values. Each value uses a key to associate an instance of a <a target="_blank" href="">VcCustomFieldStringValue</a> with a custom field definition.
vimHost VcSdkConnection returns the parent SdkConnection (deprecated)
vimType String returns the type of this ManagedObject


Name Returns
addStandaloneHost_Task(VcHostConnectSpec spec, VcComputeResourceConfigSpec compResSpec, boolean addConnected, String license) VcTask
createCluster(String name, VcClusterConfigSpec spec) VcClusterComputeResource
createClusterEx(String name, VcClusterConfigSpecEx spec) VcClusterComputeResource
createDatacenter(String name) VcDatacenter
createDVS_Task(VcDVSCreateSpec spec) VcTask
createFolder(String name) VcFolder
createStoragePod(String name) VcStoragePod
createTrigger(Number timeout, String filter, String condition, String filterToSync) Trigger
createVM_Task(VcVirtualMachineConfigSpec config, VcResourcePool pool, VcHostSystem host) VcTask
destroy_Task() VcTask
moveIntoFolder_Task(VcManagedEntity[] list) VcTask
registerVM_Task(String path, String name, boolean asTemplate, VcResourcePool pool, VcHostSystem host) VcTask
reload() void
rename_Task(String newName) VcTask
setCustomValue(String key, String value) void
unregisterAndDestroy_Task() VcTask

Returned by

Method Returns
VcFolder.createFolder(String name) VcFolder
VcPlugin.getAllDatacenterFolders(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcFolder[]
VcPlugin.getAllDatastoreFolders(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcFolder[]
VcPlugin.getAllHostFolders(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcFolder[]
VcPlugin.getAllNetworkFolders(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcFolder[]
VcPlugin.getAllVmFolders(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcFolder[]
VcSdkConnection.getAllDatacenterFolders(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcFolder[]
VcSdkConnection.getAllDatastoreFolders(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcFolder[]
VcSdkConnection.getAllHostFolders(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcFolder[]
VcSdkConnection.getAllNetworkFolders(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcFolder[]
VcSdkConnection.getAllVmFolders(String[] additionalPropertyFilters, String query) VcFolder[]
VcStoragePod.createFolder(String name) VcFolder

Referenced in

Method Returns
VcPlugin.importOvf(String ovfUri, VcHostSystem hostSystem, VcFolder importFolder, String vmName, VcOvfNetworkMapping[] networks, VcDatastore datastore) VcVirtualMachine
VcPlugin.importOvf(String , VcHostSystem , VcFolder , String , VcOvfNetworkMapping[] , VcDatastore , VcKeyValue[] ) VcVirtualMachine
VcResourcePool.createVApp(String name, VcResourceConfigSpec resSpec, VcVAppConfigSpec configSpec, VcFolder vmFolder) VcVirtualApp
VcResourcePool.importVApp(VcImportSpec spec, VcFolder folder, VcHostSystem host) VcHttpNfcLease
VcVirtualApp.createVApp(String name, VcResourceConfigSpec resSpec, VcVAppConfigSpec configSpec, VcFolder vmFolder) VcVirtualApp
VcVirtualApp.importVApp(VcImportSpec spec, VcFolder folder, VcHostSystem host) VcHttpNfcLease
VcVirtualMachine.cloneVM_Task(VcFolder folder, String name, VcVirtualMachineCloneSpec spec) VcTask