
Class VcEvent

Extends VcDynamicData
This event is the base data object type from which all events inherit. All event objects are data structures that describe events. While event data objects are data structures that describe events, event data type documentation may describe what the event records, rather than the data structure, itself.


Name Type Description
chainId Number The parent or group ID.
changeTag String The user entered tag to identify the operations and their side effects
computeResource VcComputeResourceEventArgument The ComputeResource object of the event.
createdTime Date The time the event was created.
datacenter VcDatacenterEventArgument The Datacenter object of the event.
ds VcDatastoreEventArgument The Datastore object of the event.
dvs VcDvsEventArgument The DistributedVirtualSwitch object of the event.
fullFormattedMessage String A formatted text message describing the event. The message may be localized.
host VcHostEventArgument The Host object of the event.
key Number The event ID.
net VcNetworkEventArgument The Network object of the event.
userName String The user who caused the event.
vm VcVmEventArgument The VirtualMachine object of the event.


Name Returns
VcEvent() constructor

Returned by

Method Returns
com.vmware.vmo.plugin.vi4.model.VimManagedEntity.getConfigIssue() VcEvent[]
VcEventHistoryCollector.readNextEvents(Number maxCount) VcEvent[]
VcEventHistoryCollector.readPreviousEvents(Number maxCount) VcEvent[]
VcEventManager.queryEvents(VcEventFilterSpec filter) VcEvent[]

Referenced in

Method Returns
VcEventManager.postEvent(VcEvent eventToPost, VcTaskInfo taskInfo) void