
vRO intrinsic class WorkflowInput

Object representing a instance of a WorkflowInput


Name Type Description
isStillValid boolean Returns true is the workflow input is still valid, false if it has been deleted.Returns true is the workflow input is still valid, false if it has been deleted.
name String Returns the name of the workflow input.Returns the name of the workflow input.
startDate java.util.Date Get the workflow input start date.the date object
startDateAsString String Get the workflow input start date as formated string.the formated date string
state String Return the workflow input state ('waiting' or 'completed').


Name Returns
getAnswerUrl(Object secure, Object inAutologon, Object inHost, Object inPort, Object inUrl) URL
getInteractionUrl(Object secure, Object inHost, Object inPort) URL
getWebviewAnswerUrl(Object inWebviewUrlFolder, Object inPage, Object secure, Object inAutologon, Object inHost, Object inPort, Object inUrl) URL

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